Does Boat Insurance Cover Medical Payments for Medical Care After a Boat Accident?

Boating is a popular recreational activity, but accidents can happen on the water. If you’re wondering whether boat insurance covers medical payments for healthcare after a boat accident, Linda Dugan Insurance, serving the greater Astoria, OR area, is here to answer your question. 

Does Boat Insurance Cover Medical Payments?

Yes, boat insurance typically covers medical payments (med-pay) for injuries resulting from a boat accident. Med-pay is a standard component of many boat insurance policies. It helps pay for necessary medical expenses, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and even funeral costs in the unfortunate event of a fatality.

Who Is Covered by Med-Pay?

Med-pay coverage extends to various parties involved in the boat accident, including the policyholder, family members on board, passengers, and even individuals who aren’t on the policy but were injured in the accident. This coverage is designed to provide immediate financial assistance for medical bills, regardless of who was at fault.

Coverage Limits and Options

The amount of med-pay coverage can vary based on your policy and insurer. It’s essential to review your policy to understand your coverage limits. Some boat insurance policies also offer options to increase med-pay coverage if you feel the standard coverage is insufficient.

Boat insurance often includes medical payment coverage to protect you and others involved in a boating accident. Understanding your policy’s coverage limits and options is essential for ensuring that you have adequate protection in case of injuries. With the right boat insurance, you can enjoy your time on the water with peace of mind. If you want to purchase a new boat insurance policy in the greater Astoria, OR region, contact Linda Dugan Insurance to start the process.

How much flood insurance do I need?

Astoria is at high risk for riverine or tidal flooding, so community members should recognize the value of flood insurance. But how much flood insurance do you need? This article helps answer that question, but everyone’s needs are unique, so contact the team at Linda Dugan Insurance, serving Astoria, OR, for advice on the best flood insurance for your needs.

Flood Insurance Policy Needs in Oregon

Homeowner’s and renter’s policies do not cover damage from flooding waters entering from outside your home, so you need flood insurance to cover those potential damages. If you have a mortgage on your home or condo, your lender may require you to carry a minimum amount of flood insurance, but the minimum amount may not meet your needs. Instead, homeowners should have enough flood insurance to rebuild their homes and replace their possessions if the worst happens. Since policies often limit reimbursement by category, policy riders to cover artwork, collections, or other out-of-the-ordinary items may be necessary.

By spreading the risk across the country, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) helps keep flood insurance policies affordable, but it limits coverage to $250,000 for the home and $100,000 for possessions. NFIP also does not cover additional expenses incurred if the damage displaces you from your home, but private insurance can make up those differences.

Remember, none of us can control whether a flood might affect our homes, but we can protect our families against the financial impact of a flood.

Work with Linda Dugan Insurance to Obtain Flood Insurance

The team at Linda Dugan Insurance proudly serves Astoria, OR, and will be happy to help determine your flood insurance needs. Call us or stop by today to discuss your options, and we will help you find the best policy for your family.

Three Myths About RV Insurance You Need to Know About in Oregon

RV ownership is a dream come true for many adventure enthusiasts. However, navigating the world of RV insurance can be confusing due to some prevalent myths. Here are three misconceptions you should be aware of from Linda Dugan Insurance, providing RV insurance to the greater Astoria, OR region.

Myth 1: Auto Insurance Covers My RV

Fact: While your auto insurance may provide limited coverage for your RV, it’s typically insufficient for comprehensive protection. RV insurance specifically addresses the unique risks associated with recreational vehicles, including liability coverage, collision, and comprehensive protection.

Myth 2: RV Insurance Is Only Necessary for Full-Time RVers

Fact: Insurance is crucial if you’re a full-time RVer or use your RV occasionally for weekend getaways. Accidents and mishaps can happen anytime, and having the right coverage ensures you’re financially protected, regardless of your RV usage frequency.

Myth 3: RV Insurance Is Expensive

Fact: The cost of RV insurance can vary based on factors like the type of RV, usage, and coverage options. However, it’s essential to consider the value of protection. In the event of an accident, theft, or damage, the cost of not having adequate insurance can far exceed the premium you pay for coverage.

Get the Right RV Insurance from Linda Dugan Insurance

Understanding the realities of RV insurance is essential to make informed decisions about protecting your investment. Don’t fall for common myths – ensure your RV is appropriately insured to enjoy your adventures with peace of mind, knowing you have the right coverage in place. If you’re looking to purchase a new RV insurance policy or have questions about an existing one, reach out to the professionals at Linda Dugan Insurance, serving the greater Astoria, OR region, today. 

PPO or HMO: The Difference It Means in Health Insurance

Each year, US residents must choose their health insurance. Knowing the difference between PPO and HMO can help consumers decide which type of coverage works best for them. Here at Linda Dugan Insurance, we want our clients in Astoria, OR to understand the choice between an HMO and a PPO.

HMO Insurance

The abbreviation HMO refers to a Health Maintenance Organization. This type of health insurance limits the purchaser to its specific physicians and medical centers. Typically, an individual would need to obtain a referral from their in-plan primary care physician to see a specialist. They would have added steps to complete to see a physician outside of the HMO plan choices. In an emergency, the individual can obtain treatment at any facility, but they will pay for using an out-of-network option.

Because you give up choices and agree to use in-plan medical providers, the HMO plans cost less in premiums. You may get to choose your deductible.

PPO Insurance

The abbreviation PPO refers to a Preferred Provider Organization, an insurance option that lets the individual choose their physician regardless of the network. PPOs have medical provider networks, and visits to the in-plan options may cost less. Unlike HMOs, a PPO does not require referrals. The patient can visit any specialist they choose.

PPOs charge a bit more in premiums for the privilege of these choices. They sometimes offer specialty coverage, such as wellness plans.

Making Your Choice

When choosing between an HMO and PPO, consider your medical needs. If you have a pre-existing condition that requires a specialist, consider a PPO. Without any existing issues, check with your doctor to determine which insurance options the office accepts. Choose an HMO that it accepts to work around the choice issue.

Contact Us Today

Contact Linda Dugan Insurance serving Astoria, OR, and the surrounding area with health insurance. Let us help you purchase the coverage you need.

Beyond Sunshine and Rainbows: The Benefits of Having Umbrella Insurance in Oregon

Life in Oregon can be unpredictable and unexpected events can cast a shadow over your financial well-being. Umbrella Insurance can shield you and your loved ones from the rain when dire circumstances strike! 

Linda Dugan Insurance can show you how umbrella insurance can shield you from unexpected storms and the benefits of having umbrella insurance in Astoria, OR. 

How Umbrella Insurance Protects Your Financial Well-Being

Umbrella insurance is an add-on insurance that extends the coverage limits in your existing home or auto insurance policy when you have a covered incident or claim. 

This backup insurance acts like a financial security blanket when the limits of your auto or home insurance policy run out. Knowledgeable insurance agents at Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria can talk to you about the best umbrella insurance coverage.

Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance gives policyholders peace of mind when they know their most valued possessions are protected. 

Below are a few more benefits of Umbrella Insurance in Oregon.

  • Extended Liability Protection – umbrella insurance can extend liability protection on existing auto and homeowners insurance policies. 
  • Comprehensive Insurance Coverage Options – get comprehensive coverage options for your home, auto, or watercraft with an umbrella insurance policy. 
  • Lawsuit Defense – get financial protection from legal claims. 

Licensed insurance agents can help you tailor an umbrella insurance policy to cover insurance-related claims like personal injury or property damage claims that can lead to spending thousands of dollars out of pocket for people without extended coverage.

Get Umbrella Insurance in Astoria, OR!

Don’t wait until you reach the limits of your auto insurance or homeowners policy! Contact an umbrella insurance agent at Linda Dugan Insurance and start an umbrella insurance policy to protect your most prized possessions today!

What type of life insurance is right for me in Oregon?

Having proper insurance is very important for people in the Astoria, OR area. A type of insurance coverage that all people need to consider getting is life insurance. This is an important form of coverage as it can help you provide financial protection for your dependents. There are various types of life insurance to consider getting, and it is essential to assess the benefits of each to determine which is suitable for your situation. 

Term Life Coverage

A term life plan is an ideal life insurance option for many people. When you have this type of coverage, you will have insurance through the term of the policy, which can be 25 years or longer. Premium payments on this type of coverage tend to be more affordable, allowing you to take out more coverage that can support many costs that your dependents could incur. 

Whole Life Coverage

Getting a whole life insurance plan in some situations is also a good idea. While it can be more expensive, whole life provides an additional financial advantage as the policy can grow a cash-value equivalent. Eventually, this will grow into a large sum you can choose to liquidate, post as collateral, or continue to grow. You can also receive the same life insurance benefits. 

If you are in the Astoria, OR area, you will want to ensure you continue to have the right insurance. When shopping for life insurance here, calling our team at Linda Dugan Insurance can be a good idea. Our professionals at Linda Dugan Insurance know the value of life insurance and understand the different types of coverage available. When you contact us, you can receive the support you need to build your next plan. 

Understanding General Liability Insurance Policies Within Commercial Insurance Coverage

Commercial insurance is a vital business investment that offers financial and legal protection. This is true no matter what type of industry your Astoria, OR business is in. One of the most important parts of this insurance style is general liability coverage, which offers specialty protection against third-party claims made against your company. The following is a quick look at what that protection looks like and why it’s important.

Understanding General Liability Coverage Within Your Commercial Insurance Policy

General liability coverage will protect your business in three types of situations:

  1. Bodily Injury. If a guest or customer on your property is injured or sustains bodily injury due to your business’s operations, then general liability coverage will step in and cover their medical expenses and legal fees so your business doesn’t have to.
  2. Property damage. If, rather than injuries, someone’s property is damaged or destroyed, then the property damage clauses within a general liability policy will likewise offer compensation for that property’s repair or replacement.
  3. Personal and advertising injury. Sometimes, another party may suffer non-physical harm from your business’s advertising or other business operations. Common examples include allegations of copyright infringement and defamation. Regardless if you believe them to be true, a third party can take such cases to court, which is an expensive and time-intensive process. But if you have general liability insurance, you will have coverage for your legal defense costs and any settlements or judgments.

Contact Our Team at Linda Dugan Insurance

General liability insurance can serve as a business-saving shield for companies, offering protection against potential lawsuits. Learn more and get started on your company’s insurance policy by calling our team at Linda Dugan Insurance in Astoria, OR, today. 

Do I lose my auto insurance if my license is suspended or revoked?

Getting your license suspended or revoked can disrupt your daily routine in Astoria, OR, making traveling to work or school hard. Linda Dugan Insurance discusses everything you need to know about losing your auto insurance when your license is suspended or revoked.

Your auto insurance policy will not automatically cancel when your license is suspended or revoked. Your policy remains active even though you cannot drive your vehicle.

If your policy is current, you can still receive coverage for your vehicle even if you have a suspended or revoked license. If a third party damages your vehicle while parked or a tree branch falls on it due to harsh weather conditions. Nevertheless, you may be unable to get coverage for an accident caused by an uninsured driver or if your auto policy has a "no pay, no play" clause, which would limit your options to recover damages from other drivers for specific injuries.

On the other hand, if your insurance policy is up for renewal and you have a suspended or revoked license, your insurance company may refuse to renew or modify your coverage. You must seek insurance coverage elsewhere if you cannot convince the company otherwise.

Another critical point is that driving without insurance is illegal in most states. In Oregon, you need proof of insurance when you renew your license or register your vehicle. If your license is suspended because of a moving violation, showing proof of insurance can help you restore your license quicker.

Your auto insurance policy does not automatically cancel when your license is suspended or revoked in Astoria, OR. If you have more questions or need help with your auto insurance policy, contact Linda Dugan Insurance. We’re here to help.

The Benefits of Having a Toy Insurance Policy

If you live in Astoria, OR, you are likely aware of the enjoyment of owning a boat, ATV, golf cart, or other type of recreational vehicle. What you may not know, however, is the importance of having the proper insurance coverage for these “toys.” When you turn to Linda Dugan Insurance for guidance and toy insurance policy options, you can keep having fun without worrying about the what-ifs.

What is toy insurance?

Just as it’s essential to keep your toys in peak working condition to ensure the safety of those enjoying them, having an insurance policy can ensure you can enjoy your toys for years to come. If something happens to your toy, such as damage from a storm or during an accident, toy insurance will play a similar role to car insurance. There is also a range of insurance types you can choose from, such as liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage.

Why You Need Toy Insurance

Accidents, unfortunately, do happen. Toy insurance can help you ensure that any injuries or damages don’t come solely from your pocket. A policy with liability coverage can protect you should an accident involving your recreational vehicle result in bystander injuries, while medical coverage can help with hospital bills. Toy insurance can also repair or replace your boat, ATV, snowmobile, or other toys so you can continue enjoying them. All of this combined works to give owners the peace of mind they deserve.

Protect Your Assets With Linda Dugan Insurance

When you want to insure your toy, turn to Linda Dugan Insurance! As an independent insurance agent, I can help you compare the costs and coverage of a wide range of policies to get the coverage that’s right for you. Contact our office today!

Tips to prepare your RV for winter

As winter quickly approaches here in the Astoria, OR area, now is the time to prepare your RV for the cold months ahead.

Here are some tips from us at Linda Dugan Insurance to get your recreational vehicle ready: 

  • Check tires – Make sure your RV’s tires are properly inflated, and there is no visible damage or wear. If you plan to store your RV outdoors during the winter, consider investing in tire covers to protect them from sun and weather damage. 
  • Clean exterior – Wash and wax the exterior of your RV and inspect it for any signs of damage, such as rust or cracks in the body panels. 
  • Move inside components – Remove non-essential items inside your RV, including perishables like food and drinks, furniture, carpets, etc., so they don’t freeze over the winter months. 
  • Add insulation – To help keep warm air in and cold air out, add insulation to windows, walls, floors, and other areas that may need it. You can use pre-cut foam boards or reflective thermal insulation materials for an easy installation process. 
  • Drain tanks – To avoid frozen pipes in colder climates, drain all tanks on your RV before storing them for winter storage; this includes water heater tanks and gray and black water tanks. 
  • Invest in a generator – If you don’t have one already, investing in a generator will help keep your RV warm during those cold winter months when temperatures drop below freezing levels. 

By following these simple tips, you can rest assured that your RV will be ready for winter travel! For more tips, call us at Linda Dugan Insurance today. We are proud to serve the Astoria, OR area.