How to Wash Your Car Like a Pro

Nothing beats the look of a freshly washed car. However, if you have ever attempted to wash your vehicle on your own, you may end up with small soap spots or dirty areas, no matter how many times you wash over the vehicle. You’d take the vehicle in for a professional wash, but that really adds up. Instead, you just need to know how to wash your car like a pro, and at Linda Dugan Insurance, we have a few tips to follow, whether you live in Astoria, OR or not. 

Only Use Vehicle Designed Products

Never ever use dish soap or detergent designed for anything other than washing a car. These products can harm your vehicle more than anything else. 

Rinse First

Before breaking out the soap, always rinse off the vehicle. This helps prep the vehicle, soften up debris while also cooling off the surface of the vehicle. Washing a hot vehicle can not only result in you burning your fingers but you scorching the soap and burning the paint at the same time. 

Move in Sections

You want to know why you end up with soap spots on your vehicle? The soap dries before you can rinse it off. To avoid this you need to wash the vehicle in small sections. Wash by the panel (or part of a panel) and only move on after you have rinsed off the soap  from the individual panel. Water is your friend here, so always keep the vehicle wet both before and after applying the soap. 

Clean Off Contaminants As Quickly as Possible

Notice a bird used your vehicle as target practice? Clean this off as quickly as possible. The longer it sits on your vehicle, the greater the chance it eats away at the paint and causes permanent damage. 

Contact one of the friendly, independent insurance agents at Linda Dugan Insurance today.